Six Sigma – Quality and Process Improvement

Six Sigma is an effective and adaptable measurement-based improvement methodology that can be used for delivering quality IT services.  It offers a structure by which organisations can constantly improve routine IT processes, eliminating defects, waste and cost, thereby increasing service quality and customer satisfaction. The main aim of Six Sigma is to reduce variation in processes to achieve this.

Six Sigma can be used in conjunction with the ITIL (Information Technology Infrastructure Library) framework.  They complement each other by the former being a measurement-based quality improvement methodology and ITIL being a best practice processed based methodology.  An overview and an implementation route of how the two methodologies can be used together is provided in Six Sigma for IT Management.

There is no formal certification for an organisation against the Six Sigma framework.  However one of the main parts of Six Sigma implementation is the need to train certain individuals to a high degree of familiarity to the methodology itself. So they can work on the implementation/project team. 

Various levels of qualification are available for these individuals to demonstrate their level of competence in Six Sigma.  One of these levels is Black Belt – this certifies the individual is a highly experienced Six Sigma practitioner. Another is Green Belt – which demonstrates an individual has trained in Six Sigma and is qualified to work on the implementation/project team under the direction of a Six Sigma Black Belt. 

Formal training and certification in these qualifications are available from Motorola, the creators of Six Sigma methodology. Study guides and text books are available for both exams such as

All provide valuable information when studying for the Six Sigma exams

~ por CxO Channel en 28 noviembre 2009.

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